Ini dia rahasia: Rekrut

Team Supermu via Facebook Ads!

Mari Naikan Level mu yang tadinya kerja sendiri dan nanti dibantu oleh team

Perkenalkan FACEBOOK ADS FOR HIRING TEAM by Zan Abdullah

Materi berdasarkan Pengalaman Pribadi Zan Abdullah Membangun & Rekrut Team Pakai Facebook ads Yang ter UJI Bagus

From the desk of:


Melalui Kelas ini Zan Abdullah ingin Share pengalamannya yang tadinya sendiri Menjadi Super Team, Walaupun kamu ga punya pengalaman kamu tetep bisa punya Team 

Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang

Siapa Zan Abdullah??

Zan Abdullah Seorang Pengusaha Muda, Content Creator Dan dikenal juga sebagai Praktisi FB ADS nya indonesia, Beliau senang sekali mengajarkan caranya berjualan online menggunakan Facebook & Instagram Ads

Sudah Mahir & Sangat Menguasai Facebook & Instagram Ads dengan starategi nya

Dan Banyak sekali murid muridnya yang terbantu & berhasil mengikuti jejaknya

Biasanya Mas zan abdullah mengajarkan caranya jualan nah karena banyak muridnya yang sukses jualan akhirnya banyak yang butuh cara bangun team nya

Mau Tau Kenapa Mas Zan Menciptakan Kelas ini ? Karena begitu banyak muridnya yang sudah sukses jualan sendiri dan mulai ingin jualan bersama team

Sampai sini paham ?

Oke Jadi gini

Banyaknya Murid mas zan yang sukses dan akhirnya menghasilkan uang, dan mulai bertanya tanya bagaimana caranya mencari karyawan atau rekrut team

Bahkan yang sudah mencapai Omset 1 MILIAR PUN ada dan sudah mulai bertanya hal hal tersebut dan akhirnya terbentuk lah kelas ini

Kamu mau juga punya team seperti Gambar diatas ?

Kamu cukup TIRU CARA NYA



All in One Instagram Graphic Suite

Facebook ads for hiring team membantu Anda untuk rekrut melalui Facebook Ads. Dengan Kelas ini, Anda tidak lagi bekerja sendiri dan tidak terlalu pusing memikirkan bisnis karena ada tim. Bisnis Anda bisa ditinggalkan karena sudah ada tim yang menangani pekerjaan. 

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

60 Second Challenge Live Demo

Start Create PRO-Looking Instagram Content Instantly

in literally 60 seconds, it's just that simple

Eezygram The Only Tool that Will

Design High Quality Content and Post/Schedule it to Instagram from Your Computer in a Few Clicks!

Here is How Eezygram is Going to Help You Create Professional and High Conversion Instagram Content without Previous Experience

#1 - Import Image from Local Drive

If your product file is on DSLR you can directly import the file and edit it in Eezygram app. After you design the content you can post to instagram directly.

#2 - Find HD Image from Online Image Library

Find the High Definition Images from online image library (pixabay & unsplash). You can also use 11.000 vectors because Eezygram integrated with Open CliptArt.

#3 - Post or Scheduled Post Easily

Never have to worry about posting an update from your smartphone again. Eezygram allows you to post direct from your computer & even schedule (even instagram doesn’t have this)

#4 - Schedule Posts for 6 Days to Come Instantly

Eezygram allows you not only to post, but also schedule your posts for 6 days later. No more reminders to yourself when the prime time to post is come or no more 3rd party tools that remind you when to post.

#5 - Multiple Accounts Supported

That’s right, Eezygram allows you to use all your accounts. If you have team to manage your account Eezygram will be very helpful for your work.

#6 - One-Time Login Security

Dont worry because eezygram represent one time login. So you dont need to relogin everytime you want to use Eezygram.

#7 - Smartphone Post Features

Although you will post an image on instagram from your computer, dont worry for the posting caption format.

Eezygram can show emoticon like you post from your smartphone. Even, Eezygram has “Max Character Input Caption” feature in order to know when your caption pass over the limit.

Eezygram also has “Enter Caption” feature to make your caption post orderly.

#8 - Easy-to-Use Image Editor

Imagine if you are opening “Image Editor App” and there is “Post to Instagram” button. That is Eezygram.

In the Eezygram spread sheet you’ll find: layer, zoom-in & zoom-out canvas, select outsite canvas to diselect object, align top-midle-bottom, dan undo-redo action, shadow & glow effect, and object opacity.

#9 - 75 Template, 150 Colorable Shapes, 700 Google Fonts

That’s right, Eezygram allows you to use all your accounts. If you have team to manage your account Eezygram will be very helpful for your work.

ready 50 template with 5 variant color

Ready 50 for commerce template

#10 - Full Training

You will also get a FULL training module that show you some of the best ways to use Eezygram. 

Claim My Launch Discount

Get Eezygram now for the lowest price it will EVER be before the Price INCREASES when Timer Hits ZERO

Limited Offer
00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds

Act Today & Snap Up
These Fast Action Bonuses
$240.00 Value

(May Be Removed At Anytime Without Notice)

Bonus #1 - Instagram Benefits For Business

($29.00 Value)


Over 55 million photos get shared on Instagram daily (source: Mind Jumpers) and this is one more great reason why you need to utilize this platform for your business.

Other benefits that Instagram has to offer your business are discussed inside.

Bonus #2 - Start and Grow Your Business

($29.00 Value)

Instagram is growing in popularity every day.

Wouldn’t it be great if you can put this social media site to use and make some money with it?

The best thing is, you can and Instagram is easy to use as an online business to make a decent income.

So you want to know how to start this business? Learn more inside this ebook.

Bonus #3 - Instragram for Entrepreneurs

($27.00 Value)

Instagram reaches out to a an extremely wide audience and allows for in depth searches on the web.

With daily updates and added features like geotagging and hash tagging, followers can find specific products and
information much faster and easier.

Bonus #4 - Targeting Instagram

($27.00 Value)

You may already did your research on how to generate traffic via Instagram but the thing is that, how are you going to have these very targeted source of visits to your site so that your time will not be going into waste?

Bonus #5 - Social Media Domination

($24.00 Value)


How to dominate your niche using the power of social media and build an audience that will love your brand!

In this course, you’ll discover the steps, methods and techniques to setting yourself up for success on the top social media platforms!

Bonus #6 - Workout & Social Images

($24.00 Value)

If you are a social media marketer, you most like knew how important graphics or images are in doing your social media campaign.

If you are in the fitness industry, the social media image package inside is a huge help for your own business or to your client’s business.

Bonus #7 - The Power of Branding

($21.00 Value)


Discover the power of branding for your business! when you think of any big company, the brand is probably the first thing to come to mind!


Bonus #8 - Food and Drinks Stock Images

($21.00 Value)

If you want to make your information to stock in your readers mind, using the most relevant image in your article or presentation is the best way to do it.

If you are in the food and drink niche market, having the stock image packge inside is a huge help for your marketing campaigns.

Bonus #9 - Nature Stock Photos

($19.00 Value)

Human eyes love to see beautiful things wherever they go. The same goes in surfing to the internet. That’s why taking these human characteristics into a marketer’s advantage is a good strategy to dive into.

On the internet, graphic images or sceneries plays a huge impact to the human brain. And because of this amazing media, human tend to interact with it.

Bonus #10 - Outdoors Stock Images

($19.00 Value)

Many successful online business owners have said that making money online is easy as a piece of cake as long as you have all the ingredients in doing the process.

And one of those ingredients is graphics or images which is a huge help in marketing your product or service online using social media networking sites.

Your Early Bird Special Valid For the Next

00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds

Regular Price $67.00, Special Launch Price Today:

Eezygram Silver

9 Devices License

Paid Yearly

Multiple Accounts Supported

Schedule Posts for 6 Days

50 template – 5 variant color

Smartphone Post Features

150 Colorable Shapes

Eezygram Gold


Paid Yearly

Multiple Accounts Supported

Schedule Posts for 6 Days

50 template – 5 variant color

Smartphone Post Features

150 Colorable Shapes

Note: When this limited time launch discount expires, the low
one-time price will no longer be available – NO EXCEPTIONS!

Zan Abdullah Pernah Diundang Di Podcast Kasi Solusi Salah Satu Podcast Yang Membahas Dunia Bisnis Online

Dari Podcast Tersebut Zan Abdullah Membongkar Omset Hasil Jualan Onlinenya

Zan Abdullah Juga Seorang Penulis Buku

Buku Yang Membahas Caranya Berjualan Online Menggunakan Strategi Facebook Ads Berdasarkan Trial & Error Zan Abdullah, Dan Sudah Terjual 1500++